Shared Medical Education for the World, Scholar Rx and SIVU a common vision

Medical education often occurs in silos with minimum collaboration among schools. This duplication of efforts appears wasteful, particularly during a global pandemic. We discuss the development of a shared medical curriculum ecosystem that can empower a global community of educators to democratize access to quality education even in limited-resource countries, promote interprofessional education and help address the international shortage of healthcare workers. We will describe our early experiences in developing a shared educational community of practice led by an international consortium of medical student organizations and how this may inform future directions in scaling shared open-access education.


Presentation Video:


BIO SKETCH: Dr. Le is an internationally recognized expert in digital learning and student engagement in medical education. Dr. Le earned his medical degree at the University of California, San Francisco, trained in internal medicine at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and completed an allergy and immunology fellowship and a master’s in health sciences at Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Le has authored over 40 textbooks including the First Aid for the Boards series. He is currently chief of adult allergy and immunology at the University of Louisville and Chief Education Officer of ScholarRx, a global platform for shared medical curriculum.


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