
Education & Research

Plagiarism in Research

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

An Introduction to BEME (Best Evidence in the Medical and Health Professions Education) Collaboration” By Prof. Madalena Patricio

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Teaching for transfer of learning

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Post Graduate Certificate in Renal Transplantation & Nephrology (PG Cert RTN)

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Alzheimer’s, a pandemic in waiting

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Faculty Development for Medical (or Clinical) Education



University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Metaethics in Post Covid-19 World

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Publishing in High-Quality Journals

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Shared Medical Education for the World, Scholar Rx and SIVU a common vision

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

COVID-19 and changing medical education & LECTURIO PLATFORM

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Challenges of a rare disease.

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming
SIVU Renal Transplant and Nephrology Course