
Digital Education

Plagiarism in Research

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

An Introduction to BEME (Best Evidence in the Medical and Health Professions Education) Collaboration” By Prof. Madalena Patricio

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Teaching for transfer of learning

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Cyber Patient, a real experience

Dr. Karim Qayumi, Facilitator Dr. Qayumi boasts fifty years of teaching experience and is an award-winning innovator, entrepreneur, and teacher. He has achieved many...

Interactive content design for blended learning: SIVU Webinar

SIVU Webinar, April 16, 12 to 1: 30 GMTINTERACTIVE CONTENT DESIGN FOR BLENDED LEARNINGFusion of, face-to-face and online learning experiences By: Mr. Hasnain Zafar Learning...

Team Based Learning, SIVU Webinar Series

Introduction About TBL Webinar: The TBL webinar is designed to have optimal demonstration conforming to the TBL format. Participants will appreciate that learning and assessment...

Clinical Reasoning, SIVU Webinar Series

Learning Objectives:Reviewing Clinical Reasoning Theories (Dual Processing and Illness Script)How to Teach Clinical ReasoningHow to Assess Clinical Reasoning Speakers:Professor Seyyed Kamran Soltani Arabshahi, MD, InternistDirector,...

IMI and SIVU Scholars publish in Endocrine Practice

Young scholars from IMI's NEST-1 Program came together to publish eight abstracts in Endocrine Practice for a variety of topics within Adrenal Disorders, Diabetes/Prediabetes/Hypoglycemia,...

Call for Chapters for Textbook on Medical Education

SIVU invites all those willing to contribute chapters in our proposed book on Medical Education from the SIVU forum to submit their abstracts/synopsis using...

SIVU Presents: Building and Sustaining Online Communities of Inquiry in HPE

Join IMI and SIVU for an event that's not to be missed! Register today at Webinar begins at 11AM GMT sharp, use the following...
SIVU Renal Transplant and Nephrology Course