SIVU invites all those willing to contribute chapters in our proposed book on Medical Education from the SIVU forum to submit their abstracts/synopsis using the guidelines below. Please submit your abstracts to SIVU Coordinator Shifa Abbas. You will be informed of the editorial board’s decision to proceed accordingly. Your abstract should not exceed more than 300 words and should follow the guidelines below.
- Fonts
Titles (Heading1) – 14 Times New Roman
Headings and subheadings (Heading 2 and 3) – 12 Times New Roman
Text – 10 Times New Roman
- Tables (all borders available/drawn)
- Figures (Must be self-drawn but if adapted from other sources, must have acknowledged (if open access) or have taken permission from author/publisher (if not open accessed).
- Citations and References
Within text citation: Should be cited as a numerical within the text with [ ]. E.g., There is one sun [1]
Same reference will be written in APA style in the Reference section at the end of a chapter.
- The proposed chapter and summary (abstract) will be submitted to the Editor via email to Editorial Board (send to SIVU Coordinator:
- If accepted, you will be informed to start writing the chapter (within two weeks of a proposed title)
- Writing up as per guidelines (1.5 months)
- English proof-read (evidence to be provided by the corresponding author)
- Plagiarism check (for figures and tables) and similarity index (for text)
- Declaration of Author’s contribution to be submitted as per ICMJE rules.
- Declaration of no conflict of interest among authors.
- Reviewed by the Editor
- Acceptance of the chapter or Revision or Rejection
- Submission of the Book for Publishing
I am interested in contributing towards the Book Chapter. May I know the intended level of audience ( undergraduate, postgraduate or above) and also which of the domains are being considered in the Book.
I would appreciate your response and guidance on it.
Thank you
Dr.Noorikiran Haris
Assistant Professor
Medical Education Dept.
Aziz Fatimah Medical College