21 Webinars
in 2023
03 International
Conferences in 2023
871 plus unique Attendees,
From 29 countries
1841 Unique SIVU
Certificate Downloads

An Introduction to BEME (Best Evidence in the Medical and Health Professions Education) Collaboration” By Prof. Madalena Patricio

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

SIVU Webinars & Workshops

Plagiarism in Research

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

An Introduction to BEME (Best Evidence in the Medical and Health Professions Education) Collaboration” By Prof. Madalena Patricio

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Teaching for transfer of learning

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Ethical use of AI for teaching and learning

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

“Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Science in a Developing Country with Big Population”

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Tailoring personalized medicine in the current era of an increasing cancer surge

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Quick Read

Ethical use of AI for teaching and learning

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Ethical use of AI for teaching and learning

University of abc

This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming

Webinar Videos by SIVU

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An Introduction to BEME Best Evidence in the Medical and Health Professions Education Collaboration
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Teaching for transfer of learning
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Ethical use of AI for Teaching and Learning
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SIVU Podcast: Professionalism in Healthcare
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Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Science in a Developing Country by Prof. Shahid Mahmood Baig
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Tailoring personalized medicine in the current era of an increasing cancer surge
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Deafness and hearing impairment, a remediable malady Cochlear implants, a miracle of technology
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Revolutionizing Education AI Technology Enhanced Learning
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Pain Management by Dr. Nadeem Akhtar
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Giving effective feedback and reflective practices
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Fluids in Acute Kidney Injury
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Learning Analytics in Medical Education Current trends & foresight, Prof. Dr. Rita Mojtahedzadeh
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SIVU Webinar: Assessment Theories How to assess objective test data by Prof. Dr. Aeen Mohammadi.
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Framing the Research Question by Prof. Sarwat Hussain
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Diabetes an Update by Dr. Syed Mumtaz
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Faculty Development for Medical or Clinical Education
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An introduction to Palliative Care Symptom Control & End of Life
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Writing for Publication in Medical Education By Prof Mitra Ammini
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Postgraduate Assessment, an update. By Prof. Naveed Yousuf
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By Dr Azra Raza
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The First Cell by Dr Azra Raza
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A SIVU Webinar: Alzheimer’s, A Pandemic In Waiting by Prof. Naweed Syed
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Metaethics in post Covid 19 World bu Dr. Shabih H Zaidi
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Publishing in High Quality Journals
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Future of Research A Vision MRW Session 1 3
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SIVU Webinar Shared Education for the World
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SIVU Webinar: Covid 19 and changing medical education with Lecturio platform
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CyberPatient Dr Qayumi SIVU 2022 SIVU & University of Kerbala, College of Medicine
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SIVU & University of Kerbala Virtual Conference, Excellence in student Assessment, A life long journ
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SIVU & University of Kerbala Virtual Conference, Psychometric Assessment by Prof Shahid Hassan IMU
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SIVU & University of Kerbala Virtual Conference, Accreditation Process of Medical Colleges
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SIVU & University of Kerbala Virtual Conference, Blended Learning by Mr Hasnain Zafar Baloch
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Gamification in Medical Education by Prof Dr Shoaleh Bigdeli at SIVU & University of Kerbala
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SIVU & University of Kerbala Virtual Conference, Threshold concepts in Medical Education Curriculum,
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SIVU & University of Kerbala Virtual Conference, Curriculum reforms, Lessons learned
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SIVU Webinar Soft Tissue Sarcomas
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Virtuous Physician by Prof Shabih Zaidi V2
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SIVU Webinar Evolving Student Teacher Relationship
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Understanding Leadership in HPE SIVU Webinar May 2022
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Clinical Education and Assessment during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Effective Strategies to Implement Virtual Learning in Medical Education Curricula
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SIVU Webinar, Interactive content design for blended learning by Mr. Hasnain Zafar Baloch
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SIVU Webinar, Team Based Learning March 2022
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SIVU Webinar Adult congenital heart disease
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SIVU Webinar A deep dive into transplant surgery
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SIVU Webinar PG Opportunities in the UK
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SIVU Webinar COVID 19 and Vaccines
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SIVU Webinar Technical and vocational training and education 2
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SIVU Webinar Healthcare Professionals in the Digital World Final
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SIVU Webinar Medical Education
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Innovative Technologies And The Future Of Medicine By Dr. Naweed Syed
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Diagnosis & Management of Coronary Artery Disease
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Where is the Post COVID Dawn?
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Enhancing the Validity and Reliability of OSCE
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SIVU Webinar Getting Started in Medical Education Research
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Mentoring in Covid-19 Era
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SIVU Webinar Professionalism
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SIVU Workshop Contemporary Approaches to Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance
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Reliability Measures for Continuing Quality Improvement (CQI),
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SIVU Webinar Modern Assessment in Medical Education 2
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SIVU Webinar Series, Developing a Contextual Curriculum
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SIVU Workshop Series, Psychometric as Reliability and Validity of Assessment
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SIVU Webinar Series, Social Accountability for Healthcare Professionals and Organizations
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New Technologies in Medical Education Webinar 2 by SIVU
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SIVU Webinar New Educational Technologies for Medical Education Webinar 1
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Webinar, COVID 19 From Prevention to Caring
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SIVU Webinar Series 4th July 2020 Online Assessment of Examination through Tele Presence

Latest Articles

Contemporary Approaches to Curriculum Development And Quality Assurance

Approaches to Curriculum and overview Sugar seems to have developed a reputation as the big bad wolf in relation to health. We have reported on...

Innovative Technologies And The Future Of Medicine

Innovative Technologies And The Future Of Medicine S Innovative Technologies And The Future Of Medicine Such research has led

Enhancing the Validity and Reliability of Decisions, OSCE

Webinar 2020 Enhancing the Validity and Reliability of Decisions, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) Future of Medical Education Changing Landscape of Medical Education

SIVU Recap of 2020 & Plan for 2021

SIVU or Al Sadiq International Virtual University plans the great year 2021 with Medical Education and Clinical Webinar and Workshops https://youtu.be/x-mCntfZ-TM

Medical Education and Research by Dr. Shabih Zaidi, Chancellor, SIVU

Medical Education and Research Research is the key to success in life. It is the mother of scientific progress, just as necessity is the mother...

Medical Education, by Dr. Shabih Zaidi, Chancellor, Al Sadiq International Virtual University

Exciting webinars and workshops offering updated and new content through experienced and highly skilled team members of Al Sadiq International Virtual University. Please register and we will keep you updated […]

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SIVU Renal Transplant and Nephrology Course